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Photographer's World Database of Countries, States, and Cities: Structure

This page lists the structure of each table in the 'photographer' World Database of Countries, States, and Cities. It also includes some comments about each of the columns within each of the eight tables, to help you understand the structure of the database.

TableName: country

PrimaryKey: CountryID

Column List: CountryID, CountryName, CountryAbbrev, CountryLon, CountryLat, GoogleZoom, DefaultPhotoID

Col_noColumn_contentsColumn_typeNull?My Comments
01CountryIDINT( 3 )NOT NULL3-digit number to reference each Country
02CountryNameVARCHAR( 99 )NOT NULLIndia
03CountryAbbrevCHAR( 3 )NOT NULLIND
04CountryLonDECIMAL( 5,2 )NULLLongitude of central point: 012.34
05CountryLatDECIMAL( 4,2 )NULLLatitude of central point: 01.23
06GoogleZoomINT( 2 )NULL2-digit number used to store initial zoom-level for online maps
07DefaultPhotoIDINT( 7 )NOT NULL7-digit number used to store the PhotoID of a default photo that you associate with this Country

Notes: This table contains the master list of all countries, and provides a variety of information that can be displayed alongside your photographs. The central position can be used to create markers for online dynamic maps, such as Google Maps, and the GoogleZoom field can then store the initial value of zoom that the map should be displayed with.


TableName: state

PrimaryKey: StateID

Column List: StateID, StateName, StateAbbrev, CountryName, CountryAbbrev, StateLon, StateLat, StateTypeEnglish, StateTypeLocal, StatePop2002, GoogleZoom, DefaultPhotoID

Col_noColumn_contentsColumn_typeNull?My Comments
01StateIDINT( 4 )NOT NULL4-digit number to reference each State
02StateNameVARCHAR( 42 )NOT NULLTexas
03StateAbbrevCHAR( 3 )NULLUTX
04CountryNameVARCHAR( 40 )NOT NULLUnited States
05CountryAbbrevCHAR( 3 )NOT NULLUSA
06StateLonDECIMAL( 5,2 )NULLLongitude of central point: 012.34
07StateLatDECIMAL( 4,2 )NULLLatitude of central point: 01.23
08State_Type_EnglishCHAR( 26 )NULLEmirate
09State_Type_LocalCHAR( 50 )NULLImarah
10State_Pop_2002DECIMAL( 9,0 )NULL861874
11GoogleZoomINT( 2 )NULL2-digit number used to store initial zoom-level for online maps
12DefaultPhotoIDINT( 7 )NOT NULL7-digit number used to store the PhotoID of a default photo that you associate with this State

Notes: This table contains all known states, provinces, and other administration areas. Population unknown = '-99999'. Where no State_Abbrev exists, this has been filled with the Country_Abbrev. The central position can be used to create markers for online dynamic maps, such as Google Maps, and the GoogleZoom field can then store the initial value of zoom that the map should be displayed with.


TableName: city

PrimaryKey: CityID

Column List: CityID, CityName, CountryName, CountryAbbrev, StateName, StateAbbrev, CityArea, CityLon, CityLat, GoogleZoom, DefaultPhotoID

Col_noColumn_contentsColumn_typeNull?My Comments
01CityIDINT( 6 )NOT NULL6-digit number to reference each City
02CityNameVARCHAR( 42 )NOT NULLPatna
03CountryNameVARCHAR( 40 )NULLIndia
04CountryAbbrevCHAR( 3 )NULLIND
05StateNameVARCHAR( 42 )NULLBihar
06StateAbbrevCHAR( 3 )NULLBIH
08CityLonDECIMAL( 5,2 )NULLLongitude of central point: 012.34
09CityLatDECIMAL( 4,2 )NULLLatitude of central point: 01.23
10GoogleZoomINT( 2 )NULL2-digit number used to store initial zoom-level for online maps
11DefaultPhotoIDINT( 7 )NOT NULL7-digit number used to store the PhotoID of a default photo that you associate with this City

Notes: Where a name has changed, or a more common spelling is now used, the database has been updated to the Lonely Planet spelling. The central position can be used to create markers for online dynamic maps, such as Google Maps, and the GoogleZoom field can then store the initial value of zoom that the map should be displayed with.


TableName: flag

PrimaryKey: FlagID

Column List: FlagID, FlagName, CountryAbbrev, StateAbbrev, FlagLon, FlagLat, LinkToFlag

Col_noColumn_contentsColumn_typeNull?My Comments
01FlagIDINT( 3 )NOT NULL3-digit number to reference each Flag
02FlagNameVARCHAR( 99 )NOT NULLIndia
03CountryAbbrevCHAR( 3 )NULLIND
04StateAbbrevCHAR( 5 )NULLBIH
05FlagLonDECIMAL( 5,2 )NULLLongitude of central point: 012.34
06FlagLatDECIMAL( 4,2 )NULLLatitude of central point: 01.23

Notes: This table lists all the 48x32 pixel mini-flag .gifs that are included with this database. The Link_To_Flag field is used to create a link to the flag image that you wish to display. Either Country_Abbrev or State_Abbrev may be present, but the Link_To_Flag always contains the correct file name (not including '.gif'). All my available mini-flags are listed.


TableName: type_of_place

PrimaryKey: TypeOfPlaceID

Column List: TypeOfPlaceID, ClassOfPlaceID, TypeOfPlace, WaypointSymbol

Col_noColumn_contentsColumn_typeNull?My Comments
01TypeOfPlaceIDINT( 4 )NOT NULL4-digit number to reference each Type_Of_Place
02ClassOfPlaceIDINT( 2 )NOT NULL2-digit number to reference each Class_Of_Place
03TypeOfPlaceVARCHAR( 25 )NOT NULLTemple - Hindu
04WaypointSymbolINT( 2 )NULL2-digit number to reference required Waypoint Symbol

Notes: The TypeOfPlace table is used to provide a way of identifying what type of a place each photograph was taken of, or in, and can thus provide an extra category that photographs can be searched under or grouped under. The types are sub-divided into categories called 'ClassOfPlace', which can be used when presenting a list for data-entry. These values are stored in the table 'ClassOfPlace'. The last field refers to the Waypoint Symbol used for each TypeOfPlace. These values are used when generating Waypoint lists, and dictate what type of Waypoint Symbol is displayed on a GPS receiver.


TableName: class_of_place

PrimaryKey: ClassOfPlaceID

Column List: ClassOfPlaceID, ClassName

Col_noColumn_contentsColumn_typeNull?My Comments
01ClassOfPlaceIDINT( 2 )NOT NULL2-digit number to reference each Class_Of_Place
02ClassNameVARCHAR( 18 )NOT NULLName of the Class Of Place, i.e. Transportation

Notes: The ClassOfPlace table is used to reduce redundancy in the TypeOfPlace table. It lists the categories that each TypeOfPlace is grouped under: 01-Worship, 02-Sleeping, 03-Eating, 04-Shopping, 05-Entertainment, 06-Transportation, 07-Essential Services, 08-Tourism, 09-Sites of Interest, 10-Sport, 11-Settlement, 12-Industry, 13-Natural, 14-Marine.


TableName: theme

PrimaryKey: ThemeID

Column List: ThemeID, ThemeName, SubThemeName, SubSubThemeName, DefaultPhotoID

Col_noColumn_contentsColumn_typeNull?My Comments
01ThemeIDINT( 5 )NOT NULL5-digit number to reference each Theme
02ThemeNameVARCHAR( 24 )NOT NULLReligion
03SubThemeNameVARCHAR( 24 )NOT NULLHindu
04SubSubThemeNameVARCHAR( 24 )NOT NULLTemples
05DefaultPhotoIDINT( 7 )NOT NULL7-digit number used to store the PhotoID of a default photo that you associate with this Theme

Notes: The Themes table is used to associate a theme to each of your photographs. It thus provides an extra category that photographs can be searched under or grouped under. It also provides a simple method of creating themed-galleries and portfolios. Each Theme can have, optionally, 2 levels of sub-theme, providing a wide range of theme classification.


TableName: photo

PrimaryKey: PhotoID

Column List: PhotoID, LinkToPhoto, DateTaken, TimeTaken, CountryID, StateID, CityID, CountryName, StateName, CityName, TypeOfPlaceID, ThemeID, PhotoLat, PhotoLon, PhotoASL, Description, Keywords, Release, Orientation, Quality, HDR_Set, Status, Width, Height, Views

Col_noColumn_contentsColumn_typeNull?My Comments
01PhotoIDINT( 7 )NOT NULL7-digit number to reference each Photograph
02LinkToPhotoVARCHAR( 9 )NOT NULLFilename of photo, excluding suffix. One photo = E3120, or for HDR could be E3120-124
03DateTakenDATENOT NULL2009-09-28 - Local date taken - YYYY-MM-DD
04TimeTakenTIMENOT NULL01:32 - Local time taken - HH:MM
05CountryIDINT( 3 )NOT NULL3-digit number to reference each Country
06StateIDINT( 4 )NULL4-digit number to reference each State
07CityIDINT( 6 )NULL6-digit number to reference each City
09CountryNameVARCHAR( 99 )NULLIndia - can be omitted if you prefer to reference the 'country' table with the CountryID field
10StateNameVARCHAR( 42 )NULLTexas - can be omitted if you prefer to reference the 'state' table with the StateID field
11CityNameVARCHAR( 42 )NULLPatna - can be omitted if you prefer to reference the 'city' table with the CityID field
12TypeOfPlaceIDINT( 4 )NULL4-digit number to reference each Type_Of_Place
13ThemeIDINT( 5 )NULL5-digit number to reference each Theme
14PhotoLatDECIMAL( 9,7 )NULLLatitude that photo was taken: 01.1234567
15PhotoLonDECIMAL( 10,7 )NULLLongitude that photo was taken: 012.1234567
16PhotoASLINT( 4 )NULLHeight, in metres, that photo was taken at
17DescriptionVARCHAR( 254 )NULLPhoto description, with initial capital and final period (.)
18KeywordsVARCHAR( 254 )NULLList of lower-case keywords, each separated by a space ( )
19ReleaseCHAR( 1 )NOT NULLModel_Release=M, Property_Release=P, Both=B, Neither=N
20OrientationCHAR( 1 )NOT NULLImage orientation: H=Horizontal, V=Vertical
21QualityINT( 1 )NOT NULL1=Bad photo, out of focus, 2=Poor composition, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Excellent
22HDR_SetCHAR( 1 )NOT NULLN=not part of an HDR set, 1-9=the number in the set, Y=this is an HDR photo
23StatusCHAR( 1 )NOT NULLA=Available, S=Sold, O=Under offer, X=Not available
24WidthINT( 4 )NULLWidth in pixels
25HeightINT( 4 )NULLHeight in pixels
26ViewsINT( 5 )NULLTotal views of this photograph

Notes: This is the table you will use to store details of each of your photographs. It has initially been populated with some sample entries, to give you an idea of the format that you should keep to. The 'NOT NULL' fields are required, and the 'NULL' fields are optional.

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View over the city to the Cerro Rico mountain.Drummers lead a brass band through the streets in a traditional town festival.
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